Food Chain - Issue 197 - December 2023 | Page 38

Espresso House ________________________________________________________________________________________________
place for people to meet . We believe in the social power of coffee .”
This Christmas , Espresso House is taking its commitment to fighting loneliness to a new level ; this time with the CupTogether cup . This special cup , with its bright green color and unique design , acts as a symbol that signals that the user is open to a chat with a stranger . Proceeds from cup sales will go to local associations that work to reduce loneliness in the communities where the company operates . Espresso House strives to make a difference and spread joy to those who need it most .
“ In 2022 , for example , we were named as the Best Coffee Chain in the Nordic region in the European Coffee Symposium ’ s European Coffee Awards . I ’ m exceptionally proud of this type of acknowledgement , and we want to strengthen in this way as a company , while maintaining our flat organizational structure . Going into 2024 , we will focus on ensuring our coffee shop managers have the tools to thrive in the business together with their teams . We want to ensure they have even stronger foundations for the year ahead . As a company , while we are an ambitious and global brand , there is something unique in our Nordic approach that sets us apart . We want to strengthen our foundation as a people company and trusted brand . Moving forward , we will carry on doing what we ’ ve been doing since 1996 , which is creating a great experience for our guests , taking great care of our people and contributing positively to our communities and wider society ,” Anssi concludes . ■
www . espressohouse . com