Food Chain - Issue 199 - April 2024 | Page 13

_________________________________________________________________________________________________ Main interview
production techniques aligned with the Sustainable Rice Platform ( SRP ) standard . The program emphasizes climate-smart practice and has enabled farmers to increase their yields by nearly 16 percent and reduce their water usage by 30 percent in 2022 . This has led to higher income for the farmers and an opportunity for more investments in their businesses . So , together , these types of partnerships are really starting to move the needle ,” Dale elaborates .
“ We are a purposeful business , and one of the things that ’ s important when we ’ re working with startups is alignment on purposeful beliefs . We ’ ve recently been humbled by the fact that Kevin ’ s Natural Foods has joined us . We acquired that business in August 2023 . Through conversations with Kevin , one of the entrepreneurial founders , what is clear is that he wants to learn from our years of experience in supply chain to enable continued purposeful growth . It ’ s a wonderful place to be for all of us within the organization and a huge energizer .
“ Looking to the future , I think we ’ re all aligned on one thing , and that is the need to tackle challenges together . The solutions of tomorrow will be supported by the amazing talent that we can attract today . We ’ ve recognized that young talented people aspire to work for businesses that are purposeful and transparent . We listen to our new graduates who are looking for development opportunities and strive to excite and meet their needs . Being a part of Mars Food & Nutrition is wonderful . It ’ s a curious and dynamic place to be , building the leaders of tomorrow who will help to deliver on the needs of the future ,” he concludes . ■
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