Food Chain - Issue 201a - September 2024 | Page 49

__________________________________ Applegate Farms
scale or diverse farms that have traditionally experienced major barriers to business .
Therefore , the Brighter Future Fund provides the funds to cover some expenses that may occur , like fencing , water lines , compost or delivery trucks . Amounting to $ 5000 for each farm , which may sound small , these grants can actually make or break a farm when it ’ s just starting up . While the farms supported by the Brighter Future Fund do not necessarily feed into our supply chain , we are looking to the future with the idea that we are supporting our next generation of suppliers . Advancing regenerative agriculture is a long game , and we have to invest now in the farmers we want to work with in the future ,” she ends . ■
www . applegate . com
Demakes Enterprises , llc
foodchainmagazine . com 49