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Yoav Levy shares how Evigence ’ s technology can measure and manage the freshness of foods across the entire supply chain
Originally , I was an investment banker and about 20 years ago , I decided I wanted to become an entrepreneur , to create something . I started a few companies ; I sold one , I closed another , and as an entrepreneur , I spotted a gap in the market and had an idea for using technology to fill it . I was convinced that a better solution could be conceived to give a more accurate indication of refrigerated products ’ shelf life than the existing date code method ,” begins Yoav Levy , Co-founder and CEO of Evigence .
“ So , our evolution started from developing sensors . Initially , we focused on healthcare but transitioned to monitoring and managing fresh foods after licensing our technology for vaccines in 2016 . We realized that our customers want to not only physically see a product and its level of freshness , but also to be able to document data and use it in large-scale systems .
“ We are redefining how to measure freshness . We all know intuitively what fresh is but it ’ s something that the system doesn ’ t know how to quantify . If we don ’ t know how to quantify it , we don ’ t know how to measure it , so the customer or consumer needs to make a subjective call . So , what we do is combine sensors with data analytics that monitor food freshness . Our solution is different to other tools out there , as we ’ re able to go right down to case and even to item level ,” he shares .
Real remaining shelf life
Evigence ’ s Freshness Management Platform combines sensors with data analytics to monitor food ’ s freshness in real time , at the item level , all the way from production to consumption , and provides unparalleled insights that help optimize freshness in supply chains , inventory and even in consumers ’ homes . Fresh food starts to spoil as it is
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