Cover Story _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
“ I ’ ve always been a rum girl ,” she laughs , “ and as soon as I tried the seaweed rum recipe , I knew it was going to be a hit , especially being right at the peak of the UK ’ s gin trend . Jonathan launched the rum as his side project , but as business got busier , he wanted someone to help with the execution and often asked me to help . Before I knew it , I ended up working for the rum business for free in my spare time for an entire year in exchange for a share of the business .
“ This agreement could have gone horribly wrong , but I had faith in Jonathan as his ideas always seemed to take off . Sure enough , by the time 2018 rolled around , I found myself jumping ship from the seaweed business to work as the Managing Director of Barti Rum , by which time the rum had gained momentum , largely through word of mouth and recommendations .”
Unprecedented demand
The story of Barti Rum ’ s foundation is far from traditional , and is instead fueled by genuine passion , incredible hard work from all those involved , and a determination to succeed . Described as a ‘ creamy vanilla backdrop for a dancing melody of classic spices , cinnamon , clove , and sweet citrus , married together by the subtle infusion of laver seaweed ,’ Barti Rum has taken the UK by storm , particularly in local regions in and around Pembrokeshire .