_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Illes
Foods customers in mind in their ten-year vision , now are finding themselves way behind the competition . Now you start seeing the prevalence of global flavors ; the depth of Hispanic flavors and products is much greater than it was . The same can be said of Asian foods , you can find Korean barbeque everywhere , as well an entire range of Indian flavors and foods . This trend will continue to grow and will get stronger .”
will continue to grow . This is also reflected across different areas of the business with Cristin leading us , and Silvia Guerin joining us as the new VP of Sales , and with Sharon Webster who is the VP of Product Development , we are making strong partnerships both internally and externally . This is really exciting , it ’ s a much more collaborative approach that really enables products and flavor innovation .” ■
Supply chain resilience
Looking forward , this is an exciting area of the business which Elsy and the team are keen to expand . “ We want to sell more fusion flavors , more globalized foods , as well as more coffee flavor enhancements and other caffeinated drinks . We are also looking to incorporate more organic flavors , and to enhance sustainability across all our products as we continue to evolve .
“ This will pose some challenges to our supply chain , but if we look at how much this area has changed since the introduction of the term supply chain in 1982 , this trend is only going to continue as more responsibilities come under the function ’ s remit . Right now , for example , we are seeing significant cybersecurity threats to the supply chain systems . Also , if you are responsible for the supply chain from end to end , then sustainability will become a bigger , more crucial factor , it is something customers will demand . It will really evaluate our vulnerabilities and enhance the antifragility we can build in .”
Elsy concludes by reflecting on her time in the business and the experience of being a woman in the industry . “ In my time , it has evolved a lot , we ’ re still not there , but in terms of the areas I cover , from procurement to production planning and project management , as well as customer experience , this is very unique . I never envisioned having this much responsibility over the whole supply chain , and I know it
www . illesfoods . com
▲ Elsy Ocejo
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