Food Chain - Issue 193 - April 2023 | Page 121

Undercover Snacks
▶ Diana Levy , CEO of Undercover Snacks

Have you ever heard of the saying , ‘ when life gives you lemons , make lemonade ?’

Well , that ’ s exactly what Diana Levy , CEO of Undercover Snacks ( Undercover ), did in the face of adversity . When two of her three chocolate-obsessed daughters were diagnosed with Celiac disease in 2016 , Diana was determined to use her chocolatier skills to create glutenfree , chocolate snacks that all three of her daughters could enjoy . And so , Undercover was born and launched its delicious chocolate quinoa crisps ! But Diana could never have predicted what would happen next .
“ I was initially making small batches by hand , when I quickly got the product into a single Whole Foods store in New Jersey ,” Diana begins . “ I was demoing the product in the store when the region ’ s management team came in , saw how well the product was selling , and authorized it to be sold in all Whole Foods stores throughout the Northeast .
“ I then had numerous conversations with other retailers and some huge opportunities presented themselves , but I needed to manufacture large quantities in very little time ,” she continues . “ It turned out that although our products were straight-forward to manufacture in small batches by hand , I needed very specialized equipment and processes in order to scale up production .
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