Food Chain - Issue 201a - September 2024 | Page 18

Many underutilized crops are of high nutritional value , containing important micronutrients in addition to essential macronutrients like protein and fiber-rich carbohydrates . Since they are typically grown in regions with low rainfall , high temperatures , and less technical and economic resources , they are hardy plants that can thrive environmental and biotic stresses , a critical attribute . When other mainstream crops fail due to droughts , extreme heat , or pests , these crops are on the frontline of providing nutrition to local populations – sometimes becoming the only food source .
In addition to their nutritional value and hardiness , these crops often hold a cultural significance and culinary heritage in their communities . Women are often the experts on cultivating these crops and pass this knowledge across generations . To successfully utilize these crops , Indigenous community members and their expertise must be respected .
Another potential solution to the hidden hunger crisis is to bolster staple crops with key micronutrients , also known as biofortified crops . Examples include sweet potato fortified with vitamin A , beans with iron , and wheat with zinc . Many of these crops also exhibit agronomic benefits like yield advantage and increased resistance to stress .
Primarily developed as a nutrition intervention to elevate intake of critical micronutrients in targeted populations , adoption of these crops has resulted in many positive health benefits such as improved cognitive function and reduced child morbidity . Some of these crops can be used in existing value chains , making them more readily accepted by farmers and other stakeholders . Consumers often favor these crops over underutilized varieties because they better fit into their existing diets – though some underutilized crops , like millet , can also be biofortified .
Though both underutilized and biofortified crops have a myriad of benefits , there are several challenges in widening their adoption across the global supply chain . Underutilized crops are traditionally grown on a small scale , leading to insufficient knowledge of how to cultivate them on a larger scale . They often possess different colors , flavors , and textures than more widely consumed crops , potentially
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