Food Chain - Issue 201a - September 2024 | Page 19

__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Food
Security turning consumers off . Many of these crops also have a local stigma of being “ foods of the poor ,” creating challenges for broader consumption . Biofortified crops face their own set of challenges . These are enhanced versions of crops that have increased nutrient content . Most often these are staple crops that already make up the majority of many diets . Some experts worry that increased production of staple biofortified crops might further push farmers to prioritize increased production over crop diversity and farming for their family ’ s needs . Similarly to underutilized crops , different colors , textures , and tastes may not be as acceptable to consumers as the traditional varieties .
Despite these challenges , food science and technology serve as a key tool that must be leaned upon to better take advantage of these important crops . Food science and technology present a variety of opportunities to champion these crops , including : improving nutritional value through processing , better understanding consumer needs and changing demographics , and expanding research on bioavailability , biomarkers , and health benefits .
Underutilized and biofortified crops present a unique opportunity to better feed our growing population , through elevating health and nutrition , economic prosperity , and environmental sustainability . Through food science and technology , we can fully reap the benefits of these unique crops and better feed our growing world . ■
For a list of the sources used in this article , please contact the editor .
Anna Rosales info . ift . org / underutilized -biofortified-crops
Anna Rosales , RD , is Senior Director , Government Affairs & Nutrition , Institute of Food Technologists . Since 1939 , the Institute of Food Technologists ( IFT ) has been a forum for passionate food professionals and technologists to collaborate , learn , and contribute with the goal of inspiring and transforming collective scientific knowledge into innovative solutions for the benefit of all people around the world . As a scientific community grounded in purpose , IFT feeds the minds that feed the world .
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